Thursday, February 26, 2009

Interview with a first timer

An afternoon like every other for a recently college graduated university drop out guy who is myself. Sipping on coffee, smoking ciggerates and talking about the next trip to the desert, the vibrator goes off (not the good kind) and i look at the strange number on my phone.
"yelou, is zis My Yussain Refayi?"
thinking there are no french collection agency after me anymore, i left Canada a long time back so I announce "Yes. who is this?" i say it in the politest fashion
"oh, Daniel motet calleeng, i am zi opeaation manijer 'ere, you have rghecently submitted your 'resume to schlumbeijer"
damn, someones actually calling me im one lucky fucker "yes, i did a couple of weeks ago" (big smile)
"Mr Yusain, are you free for an integhview tumoghow?"
"Mm, yes actually i am" (FUCK YES YES YES YES)
"Well, we are in zi Salam tower on ze corniche, 4 th floor, do you know it?"
"Yeah i do" (no clue where it is)
"perfect, what time will you be coming in"
"Anytime is fine when are you free?"(Hope he doesnt say morning)
"es okay wis me you can coom in anytime"
"ok great, ill see you tommorow"
"oh but yoo must tell me what time"
(its not the sheesha fucker you cant just jump in)"Eleven is good"
"Eleven is accilant"
"Ok see you then " (frenchy)
i just announce to my friend on the end of the table that my magical resume seems to have flown around and gotten me an interview tommorow. He chears and hurras, tells me to wear a good suit, looks at my muddy caterpillar boots, put on some clean shoes and don't go in with that hair too spiked up. I find out where this salam tower is and wait for tommorow to come.

Sun is up, ciggerates in my mouth, i chew a little gum and make my way up to zii fourth floor, theres a security gaurd that asks for my id, holds it to write my name, and then the secretery inside says Daniel is not in yet, but it wasn't 11 and if he made an appointment he will be here, so i sit and wait thinking i just got the runaround and soon enough the secretary says he's is coming in. I Stand up and look at this small figure approaching, and the only thought that comes to my mind is that this guy is really tiny, but thats a big pimple on his purple lips, and he looks dirty. He looks up as he shakes my hand and i feel like a tall tower. Standing there with a dark blue silver striped suit, a light blue shirt and one damn shiny tie. I was tanned from just sitting spending my days pointlessly around the streets. My stomach was at that moment a good flat plank that showed some abs due to lack of nutrition(things changed very quickly). I never forgot the look he gave me that first glimpse of slight surprise it was just like what he sees isnt what he expected to see. In all honsety what i saw in him isn't what i expected to see either but anyways back to my conquering heights insight. It always make you comfartable to be taller than someone, its a feeling you get like you can walk over anyone. He walks ahead of me and i notice his ricket shaped legs and the fast short steps he takes till we get to the office and the door is locked behind me. I take a seat in this small clostraphobic room that looked like it was built by an accident of putting the wrong walls up in strange positions. (is that a corner?)

He looks gives a smile, and i flash him my pearls as wide as they go cause im just a happy bastard
"Yusain i am veghe glad you made it, was it easy to find zi bilding?"
" yeah had a lot of trouble parking, i went to the other end of the street" (small talk)
"oo yes , purghking iz terghibol"
we make some more small talk and he browses through my resume asking me a question about each paragraph.
"what dos ziz mean advanced diploma"
"well bachelors is 4 years, diploma is 2 years, advanced is in the middle of those two"
"ookay"with a smile "and internet application developer, im soghy it is a long name, what did you do in collge"
I laugh " Yeah its not a very good title, it means programming, with an emphisis on network applications and web development" (bullshit) "we did programs in java and visual basic.." and i went on making every little needle looking like the greatest works of science.
"ziz graduation project is also programming"
" yeah i made a program that lets computers talk to each other on the same network" (fancy way of saying i made a Hussein Messenger)
we got of the questioning and back to chit chat.
"so Yusain where are you from oghiginalee?"
my resume said Canadian but i was as Canadian as a desert camel. "Palestine" (big smile, proud native with an emphesis on the 'P' and 'INE')
"so you have no country" (little smirk on his lips)
(You racist son of a bitch french ass kissing toad licking, eifil tower hanging, bug eating, long bread, pointy nosed son of poodle) "you know what they call people running the other way in the battlefield?" (smile on my face)
"ooh ? " (little smirk)
"French" (big smile)
he has a little laugh, i share it with him and we carry on the to different chit chat.
"Okay Yusain, i will call ouagh technical esspeght to do the second paght of zi integhview" (shit im screwed) He gets up i get up too " would you like some fghuit" there was a big plate of apples on the desk outside "no thank you" (smile).
This figure comes along shakes my hand hes on eye level so there was no walking over feeling. we head back into the tight room where he is shown my resume and we are left behind closed doors. Now this guy does not look a tad friendly and does not even go into chit chat or any kind of talk, he turn the resume to his side take a few moments to look at it and raises his head up, opens his eyes really wide and stares straight at me, he holds his stare with those big eyes like he is challenging an eclipse and i get it, he's trying to intimidate me. so i smile and keep my eyes locked on his ( im thinking about how sparkly my eyes must be at this moment, are they shining the threat right back at him?).
"what do you know about the oil industry"
"well my family was.."
"No no no no, i said what do YOU know about the oil industry?"
(he just interupted you mid-sentence, fine you wanna dance, i'll tango on your grave)
"Nothing"( i dont give a shit, i did know some shit but i was in no way going to plead a case to this bastard)
"what kind of projects did you work on ? it says here you had a graduating project"
"well we worked on program to communicate between"
"no no, you say we, i want to know what YOU did"
(my hand twitches, its urge is to grab his head, slam down on the desk, poke his eyes out with his pencil and hang him out the window my tie) " I wrote a java program to " well you know the rest.
"Do you know how to use linux "
"i've used it personally at home for a bit, so i have a little familiarity with it"
"Ok, if you said it was a professional subject i would have tested you"
( you can test my sperm count you ugly ostrich)
"Can you tell me what exactly is the kind of work you do and what is the project your recruiting for?"
"Ah we are looking for a Log Data Processor, you will be taking data from an old field and applying corrections to it on specilised software"
"what kind of software?"
"It is a oil industry specific software made my schlumberger" and he stutters to explain so i jump in
" you mean in-house software".
"yes exactly, we require someone with trouble shooting skills, you might have to go into the database and use SQL to modify it"
"So its a data entry position"
He asks me some questions and i answer as plain as i can without emphasis, which is what he was trying to get to, but i havent had my comeback yet, hes trying to belittle me and trying to make nervous but fat chance fucker. I ask him a lot of questions myself to get him to talk about what kind of work it is and all that crap. He says something about new technology and i tell him its not something i would mind learning" he makes me repeat that sentence cause he was fishing for some kind of plea with the words "Teach me master" we carry on for a bit and then i sum up all his words and throw his shit talk right back at him.
"So what i understood from you is all i have to know to do the job you require is know linux and a bit of SQL?" he paused for a second and i saw it in his eyes, he flinched, he knew i just threw away everything he tried to make look like the holy grail and braught it down to the only two facts he mentioned, he knew i got him behind his own bullshit.
(chew on it fucker)

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A mystic love

He set his foot on the last flight of stairs raising his eyes up from his beige walking boots to the door ahead. His heart started fluttering at the sight coming from across the hallway to the same door. Her eyes looked up to meet his and his cheeks stretched with a smile exercising and exposing every wrinkle along his face, his eyes gleamed behind the framed lenses. His eyes being the portal of exchanged expressions visible in this interaction.

It was just the sight he adored. A feminine beauty that radiated from just a glance and exploded a million mysteries and a thousand searches. A journey of identity not of ones own self, but a journey to find the signals of adoration. An invitation welcoming an advance. The advance that has its own customs and rules. It can not just be a start of a conversation, an inquisitive gesture, a how was your day. No. This journey is the one of slow progression, of oblivion. A loop behind the stigma of culture. A move into taboo. A crossing into twittering. a march to interaction. The forbidden synergy, the best kind of communication. One that would build like a birds nest from a few sticks to a safe home. Each stick from a different tree, the first tree is the glance, and he glanced as she glanced, he smiled and looked into her almond eyes' shining dark pupils under her sharp angled eye brows glowing like they are the rays of heaven. All he could see where those eyes with her face covered behind the illusive Vail, A dark soft cloth black as night surrounded her face covering her hairs shape, color and syle.
The shaila was raised behind her atop her head indicating that her hair was thick and long The first hint of illusive beauty. her mouth covered with the cloth hung down from the end of her smooth nose, that shows the shape of harmony. the burqa hid whatever face expressed but the white skins around her eyes told him of the pink lips, plump and luscious, common to them. The few second glance, his smile and their eyes met and in that moment the world stood still as her eye lids opened wider, the side of her eyebrow raised and he could tell she was smiling back though the cheeks and lips where concealed, they eyes always speak. She pushed open the hinged door while he stood back, part due to the customs of making way but in truth to adore this site and to store in his heart the exchanged glances and exquisite pleasure. She kept her gaze and he kept his till her hand hung behind her body holding the door for him to pass, and the wide silk covering the length of her arm slipped slowly like a wave over the sea. The smoothness of her skin complementing the smoothness of her silk. It slid down exposing her short finger at the end of her wrist, the size of the palm small and the shining skin of her white smooth arms' flesh exposed half way to her elbow radiated her hidden beauty. He put his hand on the door and opened it wider with a thank you voice that was as low as a child's cowering breath. His heart was too tangled to speak aloud. The million ways he wished to express his emotions halted by the common acceptable terms of first contact and as she moved away to the stairs he came from, the amber perfume traced behind her sending him to a world of scented delight.
He passed through the door and fought not to look black, not to let her know of how those ten seconds would echo. He felt like she would see a monster now in his eyes longing for another hint. Well into the distance he looked back, her long abaya trailed the floor around her adding to the mystery of a smooth glide rather than a stomping step. How the curves of her waist hugged the dark silk and completed the majestic beauty of a perfect shape, hidden only to the true affectionate to recognise.

His heart was full now , he was captured and entranced and for the rest of his days he will be longing for another branch to fit in his nest. until then those ten seconds will continue to flutter his heart and conquer his mind. perhaps one day he can unlock the cage and fly out with his warmth to her and perhaps her heart will flutter too, and maybe then he can gaze behind the Vail, hold the soft fingers, whisper in her ears a breathe of awe at what she does not know has ailed and affected this encountered soul. At what emotions she has stirred for a madness of another glance. perhaps a word and that word would then create another world of affection but for now he will believe that all she will send back is an angry protest to his uncontrolled expressions and this truth sends him back to a grave of hopelessness regret of not having waited for her invitation to this allowance of Ecstasy.

Monday, February 23, 2009

A day in the life of a duck

A duck swam alone in a river, passing from place to place, lonely in the river it quacked for everyone to hear, yet its sound was not heard by any others. So used the duck was for its quacking to be replied at by its friend the mongoose that it could not handle it for long. quack quack said the duck,,,,, kirlim kirlim said the mongoose, so were the days of old... side by side and back to back, the duck and mongoose took many fronts, road over mountains, swam across rivers.

Where the mongoose failed the duck prospered and where the duck stumbled the mongoose leapt. Ah,, so where the days of old.... now the duck quacks and mongoose kirlims,,, but each in a different world.

Sadly the duck crossed the river.... A wise parrot stood a top a tree watching the sad duck cross the river, it looked and called out "O duck, why do u gloom with sadness in a pond full of fish", the duck said "It is not my fortune for food that i miss, for food is certain to come as a blessing from the God",,,, "ahhhh" said the parrot, "it is then a longing that troubles you"... "yes" quacked the duck,,,The wise parrot then spread its wings flourishing its colors that shun out with the sun and raised his head up to the sky and said,,,, "Fear not oh friendly duck" ,,, i have been blessed with a great site and far away i see a trail of a mongoose coming back your way holding up a sign reading "UNITED AGAIN",, the duck rejoiced and quacked happily with the words of its ancestors and rejoiced with pride saying loudly there three words ::::Always & Forever

Thursday, February 5, 2009


What ?.
Cant you see that i'm looking straight at you?
I was in another place.
Well, do you want us to go together ?
I don't think they'll let you in.
I'm sure they would, i have a way to get what i want.....(*small smile*),Theres a small cafe across the street that has an excellent band, lets go........
i can't.
Why not ?
I'm in another place.
Come out of it.
They won't let me out.
Here, see i can hold your hand, what does that tell you? should'nt be doing this.
Well just look around were in the same place, you and I. i can hold your hand that means we're together grow too slowly. People like to take flowers away from where they should be.
Flowers just add a little beauty, what kind of flowers do you like
......I . just can't
You can
......You shouldn't do this I want to.....You shouldn't do this..Bu,NO, not this way. i want to see more, she wont come, she can't come .
let me have another side, yes , turn it around. YES YES, i see it, its beautiful. i must take it back with me.
Minkrogu , look you have to look at me.
Its not as sharp as it looks, but its beutiful
Sharp, what do you mean sharp?? Look Mink i think
.......This is just the way i pictured it, perfect in every way. No i wont let her feel a thing, she'll be glad when i take it from her.
Mink this is too much, your scaring me!
Now you can open your eyes, here take this from me, it will help you remember what i offer, Yes i'll do it just the way you want.
Huh? what's wrong?
Are you okay, can we go now?
Sorry, i was in another place.
Let's go ...

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


talk ( going 1 2 )
talk balk (going 1 1 )
THE pig is in the blanket
do whales have ball sacks?
jumping jumping up and down a tree, going to the woods with an elephant behind me.
This is not the end.this is not the end..dancing in the rain , just dancing in the rain.
TICK TOK TIK TOK was the sound of the big brown clock.
Red riding hood dated the seven dwarfs.
cinderalla had an affair with Dracula.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Dance with me

Glooming accross a dark hallway two eyes appear and disapear. A man or beast blinking at my presence.
Shit! it's coming my way. Take me to you leader.
Settle down.Look at the yellow tree.Breathe in, breathe out. Pick up the knife, now run forward open you eyes, JUMP !!!!
I Killed a kid.
Open the small door, i have to crawl.
Very white face, Curious eyes, Red hair, Nylon pants, so much color. Mozart playing.
I am dancing with the clown.
left left step, left left step, right right step.
Open wide,I bit his nose off.
Walk out the window, step on the ledge, climb to the roof.i feel hazy, dizzy, vertigo....vertigo....don't look down, pigeons flying, going up.
Tie a knot, attach to pole.
write letter:
Dear hotline,
I have just murdered a clown, and killed a young child. i will go through every door and mourne theire death.
Luise Papagan Marx