Monday, February 23, 2009

A day in the life of a duck

A duck swam alone in a river, passing from place to place, lonely in the river it quacked for everyone to hear, yet its sound was not heard by any others. So used the duck was for its quacking to be replied at by its friend the mongoose that it could not handle it for long. quack quack said the duck,,,,, kirlim kirlim said the mongoose, so were the days of old... side by side and back to back, the duck and mongoose took many fronts, road over mountains, swam across rivers.

Where the mongoose failed the duck prospered and where the duck stumbled the mongoose leapt. Ah,, so where the days of old.... now the duck quacks and mongoose kirlims,,, but each in a different world.

Sadly the duck crossed the river.... A wise parrot stood a top a tree watching the sad duck cross the river, it looked and called out "O duck, why do u gloom with sadness in a pond full of fish", the duck said "It is not my fortune for food that i miss, for food is certain to come as a blessing from the God",,,, "ahhhh" said the parrot, "it is then a longing that troubles you"... "yes" quacked the duck,,,The wise parrot then spread its wings flourishing its colors that shun out with the sun and raised his head up to the sky and said,,,, "Fear not oh friendly duck" ,,, i have been blessed with a great site and far away i see a trail of a mongoose coming back your way holding up a sign reading "UNITED AGAIN",, the duck rejoiced and quacked happily with the words of its ancestors and rejoiced with pride saying loudly there three words ::::Always & Forever

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